Edi Contest Log

Coming soon: "Edi Contest Log" - a contest software to create EDI logs especially for portable contest purposes to handle paper logs etc.

Just a screenshot of my development setup as preview:

Expected features (to name a few):
  • Multiple equipments can be defined and managed per band (e.g. a small portable and a large stationary 10GHz setup)
  • Multiple QTH can be defined and managed, including a map viewer
  • OM callsign database, helps to prevent mistakes when typing in paper logs to the database
  • Table-based log file entry, easy and intuitive to step front/back to correct entries - like in paper logs
  • Easy to switch front/back within bands of a log file
  • Separating log entries from contest definitions - allows to use logs for several (simultaneous) contests easily
  • Time/date may be predefined (when using stationary) or variable (when typing in an existing paper log)
  • Written in JAVA, it aims to support Windows and Linux operating systems (theoretically Android OS in future as well)
  • Embedded database, hassle free and OS independent installation (ok, you should know how to install a JAVA RE, though)
Stay tuned ;-)
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