W3C compliance
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
Selfmade RF
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
Mix & Match
W3C compliance
Icom Stuff
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
W3C compliance
Edi Contest Log
Coming soon: "Edi Contest Log" - a contest software to create EDI logs especially for portable contest purposes to handle paper logs etc.
Just a screenshot of my development setup as preview:
Expected features (to name a few):
Multiple equipments can be defined and managed per band (e.g. a small portable and a large stationary 10GHz setup)
Multiple QTH can be defined and managed, including a map viewer
OM callsign database, helps to prevent mistakes when typing in paper logs to the database
Table-based log file entry, easy and intuitive to step front/back to correct entries - like in paper logs
Easy to switch front/back within bands of a log file
Separating log entries from contest definitions - allows to use logs for several (simultaneous) contests easily
Time/date may be predefined (when using stationary) or variable (when typing in an existing paper log)
Written in JAVA, it aims to support Windows and Linux operating systems (theoretically Android OS in future as well)
Embedded database, hassle free and OS independent installation (ok, you should know how to install a JAVA RE, though)
Stay tuned ;-)
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